Hi [ll_inf_field_FirstName],
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Your Email Deliverability Consultation and Assessment!
Hi [ll_inf_field_FirstName],
You Have Successfully Requested
Your Email Deliverability Consultation and Assessment!
Complete the steps below to schedule your consultation time:
Check Your Email Inbox
Go to the inbox of the email address you just used to sign up. If it's not in the inbox, please check your spam folder and then move it to the inbox.
Open the Confirmation Email
Find the email sent by fundamental.marketing in your email.
Click the Confirmation Link
Click on the link inside the email and instantly receive access to your product!
To GUARANTEE you get the Most out of our relationship, please take 5 seconds to add me to your safe sender list here otherwise, you may not see my email in your inbox. Thank you.
Schedule your consultation time on the following page
After you complete your questionnaire, schedule your consultation and assessment time on the thank you page.
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