When it comes to optimizing the performance of your email programs and making sure you get out of and avoid the spam folder, Fundamental Marketing is your trusted partner to sure your messages reach their intended destination... The Inbox

Don't Be Noise... 

Be Heard!!!

The Foundations of Marketing for the Modern Entrepreneur

Anyone can send an email...
But not all emails sent will get delivered.

Of Emails Sent Never Reach The Inbox
Of Emails GO BAD in just  one year
Of Email Authentication is not setup properly

Email Deliverability is not simple...
We are here to help!

Email Deliverability

Email Deliverability is the science and art of getting your emails into your subscribers inbox. We help clients successfully navigate the complexities of email deliverability in order to maximize marketing results and increase revenues.

We work with you to diagnose the issues in your email program, put solutions in place to correct the problem and put measures in place to prevent core issues from surfacing again.

What people Are Saying

Evan’s vast experience with sales & marketing strategies around small business come from the front lines. His experience in a consultative environment forced him to understand every bit of value his clients would receive across hundreds of personalities, skill sets, industries, business types and more. Evan lives “learn and teach everyday” as he passes on what he learns to help others... Evan is a pleasure to work with and anyone that taps into that knowledge will be better off for it.

Bill H.

Integrity, Honest, Enthusiastic and Extremely Capable are the four phrases which summarize my 18 months working with Evan.
I found Evan extremely capable and when something I needed help with wasn’t clear, he sought the right solution to help me every time. That’s honesty and integrity in action.
He always did more that he committed.
He is a rare professional!

Craig J.

There aren’t enough words to describe how awesome Evan is. There are few people on this planet that are as professional, kind, caring, intelligent, competent and fun as Mr. Samurin. There are only a handful of people that I know I could depend on and Evan is one of those guys. He genuinely cares about other people and is an extremely intelligent person. He is a savvy business man and marketer and a great communicator. At the end of the day, he’s just a blast to be around too. Evan will get you the business results you want and make the entire process extremely enjoyable.

Michael H.

I worked closely with Evan for about 18 months. Evan helped to not only set goals but to meet or even exceed them. Evan is not only highly supportive, but I also learned immensely from Evan every day. Evan taught me about creating value for a prospect to ultimately sell them a product that would enhance their business. Evan brings a lot of knowledge and great energy to whatever he does.

Terri R.

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